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CatCrossword - Would you like to crossword gr

◆ It is a crossword of 2450 questions.

◆ There is no time limit,so please enjoy it with a calm BGM in your gap time,accompanying your trip.

◆ Cat photos come out on empty squares.

◆ LITE version limit
You can enjoy only 5 questions.

* Before buying a paid version,it is recommended to first confirm that the Lite version will move satisfactorily on your device.

How to use

Touch the trout

Choose the trout to enter the text.

keyboard at the bottom of the screen

Enter the text. If you want to enter "U",press "A" three times. There is no need to enter a cloudy point or a semi -cloudy point. If the "letter" puts "Tikami" in a row of the correct answer,it will be the correct answer.

Data source

The data of Wiktionary (http://ja.wiktionary.org/) is used for crossword answers and hints.


The author shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of this app.

[Other applications of the author]